After our stay in Paros we took another ferry to Santorini. Santorini is a beautiful volcanic island that has huge cliffs all around it. Throughout the cliffs, houses and restaurants are built into them. The food in Santorini, along with everywhere we went, was amazing. Specifically they are known for their tomatoes as it used to be one of the primary sources for tomatoes in Greece. While there we stayed in Megalochori, a town towards the center of the island, and we were able to explore the beaches and towns via a car rental. Outside of the fact that the majority of the island are elevated on cliffs, the different colored sand around the beaches was amazing. Plus the fact that this might have been the location of Atlantis, there is an interactive Museum of Atlantis on the island, is very cool. The only meal that was subpar, was the light lunch we had at Kalogeros. It's on the port, and we had to wait for a a couple of hours for our ferry. The tzatziki and pita were ok, but everything else was subpar. And lastly, it was beautiful, great food, was an experience I wouldn't want to miss, it was very crowded and hard to get around.