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Ariccia is a town in the Alban hills south east Rome.  It is famous for porchetta, which is pork roast, flattened out then rolled.  Frequently it's stuffed with pork loin and rubbed with various spices including fennel and rosemary



Osteria dar Compare

Fettucini Porcini

Fettucini Porcini

Osteria Dar Compare

Bruschetta di Salumi

Bruschetta di Salumi

Osteria Dar Compare


Siena is a city in the central part of Tuscany.  It's a walled city, that's broken into wards and has a central square.  It was great wandering around the city and checking out the sites.  The architecture in the city is amazing, as is the food they offer.  Unfortunately I don't have every restaurant we went to, it was an amazing two days of checking out the food, culture, and late night music.

Spinach with parmesean and garlic

Spinach with parmesean and garlic

Spagetti alla Carbonara

Spagetti alla Carbonara

Risotto aga Asparagi e bresaola

Risotto aga Asparagi e bresaola

Asparagus and Bresaola Risotto

Ribialla Tuscany

Ribialla Tuscany

Tuscan White Bean Soup

Artichokes and Rabbit in Mornay.

Artichokes and Rabbit in Mornay.

Arugula, Pecorino, and Flank Steak

Arugula, Pecorino, and Flank Steak

Osteria Nonna Gina

Gnocchi with Arugula Cream Sauce

Gnocchi with Arugula Cream Sauce

Osteria Nonna Gina

Greve in Chianti

Greve in Chianti is a small town and commune of Florence that the we drove to after our stay in Siena.  There was a restaurant there, Restorante Becattini, that had good reviews on Tripadvisor.  Sadly, it is permanently closed now, but it was an amazing meal with a gorgeous overlook into Tuscany

Tagliatelle al Ragu di Cinghiale

Tagliatelle al Ragu di Cinghiale

Tagliatelle Pasta with Wild Boar Sauce

Zuppa Stagiovale

Zuppa Stagiovale

Seasonal Soup, Tuscan White Bean

Antipasta Tuscano

Antipasta Tuscano

Proscuito Crudo di Norcia, Salame Tuscano

Antipasta Tuscano

Antipasta Tuscano

Fried polenta with mushrooms, and crostini with an olive spread

Ravioli burro e Salvia

Ravioli burro e Salvia

Spinach Ricotta Ravioli with Butter and Sage

Tagliata alla funghi porcini

Tagliata alla funghi porcini

Bone in Ribeye with porcini mushrooms

After our lunch in  Greve in Chianti we proceeded to Florence.  Florence is a beautiful city in central Italy.  The cuisine focuses more on meats than on seafood like other regions of Italy.  They are known for bistecca alla fiorentina which is a big t-bone, grilled and sliced.  The food was amazing, as were the museums, cathedrals, and churches.

After Florence we drove to Bologna by way of Fontebuona.  It was a small town where we had a simple and amazing coursed lunch at Trattoria Fontebuona.  Bologna is a large city in the northern part of Italy that is known for many things, including their food.  One of the most well renowned items from here is their ragu, or Sauce Bolognese.


Panini Shop Counter

Panini Shop Counter

Panini Shop Counter

Panini Shop Counter

Roasted Pig's Head

Roasted Pig's Head



Jamon, Arugula, Spicy Olive Spread on Foccacia

Carpaccio, Zuchini, and Pecorino

Carpaccio, Zuchini, and Pecorino

Trattorio Il Porcospino

Proscuito Buffalo Mozzerella, and Arugula

Proscuito Buffalo Mozzerella, and Arugula

Trattorio Il Porcospino

House Specialty Florentine Steak

House Specialty Florentine Steak

Trattorio Lo Stracotto

Pork Roll, Arugula, and Sundried Tomatoes

Pork Roll, Arugula, and Sundried Tomatoes

Trattoria Lo Stracotta

Fontebuona and Bologna

spaghetti con ollio, aglio e fiocchi di peperoncino

spaghetti con ollio, aglio e fiocchi di peperoncino

Trattoria de Fontebuona. Spagetti with olive oil, garlic, and chili flakes

spaghetti con ollio, aglio e fiocchi di peperoncinouona Trattoria de Fontebuona Spa

spaghetti con ollio, aglio e fiocchi di peperoncinouona Trattoria de Fontebuona Spa

I wouldn't normally post this image after the first. But as simple as it was, it was amazing

Bruschetta Pomadora

Bruschetta Pomadora

Osteria La Matta. Tomato Bruschetta

Trio di Carpaccio.  salmon marinato in casa, tonna rossa, e pesce spada

Trio di Carpaccio. salmon marinato in casa, tonna rossa, e pesce spada

Osteria La Matta. House cured salmon, tuna carpaccio, and swordfish carpaccio

7 Bologna Osteria La Matta Tagliatelle B

7 Bologna Osteria La Matta Tagliatelle B

Osteria La Matta. Taglatelle with bolognese sauce (ragu)

Cavatelli con Scampi Vognole Veraci e Tanto Amore.

Cavatelli con Scampi Vognole Veraci e Tanto Amore.

Osteria La Matta. Cavatelli with shrimp, clams, and lots of love

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