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Food From Abroad

After adding multiple images from various locations that I've traveled to, I ran into an issue.  There were too many images on one page, and it was getting irksome to add galleries in between ones already set.  I figured why not make a second index that corresponded directly to the places that I've gone to.  I'll include a little story on each section title to describe the whys, wherefores and reasonings that I was at that particular area

I have been going to Canada on a regular basis for years.  My brother married a Quebecois woman over a decade ago and since then I have gone up to visit many a time.  Additionally to visiting Montreal, we also take vacations to various provinces so I try and see as much of the great white north as I am able.  Everyone in my family enjoys eating good food, so we try and get out to as many restaurants as possible.

A couple of years ago, me and some friends from undergrad took a 10 day excursion to Jamaica.  Instead of staying in one area of the country, we decided to travel around to a handful of the different parishes.  We Started in Montego Bay and took a guided tour from there to Kingston, by way of Nine Mile to see where Bob Marley is entombed.  During our time in Kingston we befriended a taxi driver who decided to help us during the rest of our journey.  He drove us from Kingston to Treasure Beach where we stayed at an amazing b&b that were little cottages on the beach.  Our driver picked us up from there and he drove us to Negril where we spent a couple of days at an amazing hotel.  After Negril we drove back to Montego Bay and flew back home.

Since I've been 16 I have been fortunate enough to regularly visit Mexico.  Though we stay primarily in Cancun, we do visit other areas, normally staying around the Yucatan Peninsula.   At this point we go every other year (as much as we can) and get to spend a nice week together as a family.

Though not really abroad per say, this is where I am putting food from the US, through travel and whatnot.  Just not restaurants I've worked at, that will probably come after I've added the food from various countries.  I'll start the section off with Virginia as I've spent the majority of my life there.  The first section is from a trip to Historic Williamsburg 4 years ago.  The only images I can dig up from it are when we ate at Chowning's Tavern.

On New Years Eve in 2012 I took a 10 day trip in Italy.  A friend of mine was teaching in Armenia, and I flew out to meet him in Rome.  We stayed a couple of days there and then rented a car to drive up through Tuscany stopping in a handful of cities for a couple of days each.  From Rome we drove to Siena through the mountains and Ariccia.  Frome there we drove through Grove to Florence, then onward to Fontebuono, Bologna, and ending up in Verona where I flew home from.

Back in 2016 I was intentionally in between jobs and I spent about 8 months traveling, working at a catering company, doing some consulting, and spending time with my family both in Virginia and Montreal.  One of the trips I took then was a month long excursion to Nepal.  My friend who was teaching overseas found himself in Pokhara (Nepal) teaching, and mentioned that I should come visit.  There was a week during which there was a conference in Katmandu, so I flew out to Nepal to spend a month in Katmandu and Pokhara.

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